定位烫金印花机/烫金定位印花机 滚筒直径1.2m 幅宽2m左右 产量高、效果好,具体详情致电:13915262980 0510-8021909 本厂引进意大利并根据市场需求不断专研、改进、开发ZY系列转移印花机,本机配套自动控边进布器和自动验卷机,使整个印布过程更为方便。 Transfer Printing is a new technology developed during recent years. Firstly, print kinds of pattern on the transfer printing paper through special printing technology (by water-based or solvent-based dye). Secondly, under the action of heat and pressure of heat transferring machine, the sublimated dye will be transferred to the textile which just being printed. By the two steps above, the required patterns are fastened on the textile. This machine has self-contained automatic selvage-control entrance keeper and automatic inspecting and rolling machine, which make the whole printing process more convenient. |